
Speaking Engagements

In addition to the classroom, Stephan Sorger speaks at business and technology events. He served as a panelist at enterprise software event Contact Center World (formerly ICCM), and for the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals, and earned positive reviews. He has also spoken at the Communications Solutions Expo and the CRM Solutions Vegas event. Recent speaking engagements include the Marketing Strategy Roundtable at the Northern California Business Marketing Association, as well as analytics-related webinars for Junction Solutions, Demand Metric, and the Association of International Product Managers and Marketers (AIPMM).

For speaker requests, please send an email to: stephan-at-stephansorger.com


Mr. Sorger is quoted with media outlets such as Destination CRM (the digital publication of CRM magazine) and RealMarket , and is a published author with SOCAP International , the publication of the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals. He writes articles for marketing analytics sites such as Demand Metric.

"The wise learn many things from their enemies."
- Aristophanes